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engineering agreementの例文


  • Phase II Engineering-In July 2013 the County Board approved engineering agreements with four separate engineering firms to prepare contract documents and obtain environmental permits in preparation for bid opening in late 2015.
  • Phase I Engineering-County Board approved an amended Phase I Engineering agreement on November 8, 2011 for the work necessary to complete the Phase I Engineering for the corridor ( including toll elements ).
  • Musicians memorializing the cotton ginning industry have shown a universal preference toward  pull through over  negative pressure very dilute phase pneumatic conveyance although there is universal engineering agreement that the latter term is both more articulate and accurate.
  • In October 1990, Turkish companies Sezai Turkes-Fevzi Akkaya and TEK formed a joint engineering agreement with Argentine agencies Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica and Investigaciones Applicadas to develop two CAREM-25 nuclear reactors, one in each country, with construction to begin in 1991 in Argentina and in 1992 in Turkey.
  • In January 2015, EaglePicher announced that it has signed an engineering agreement and a license agreement with OneD Material, a spin-out from Nanosys, to vertically integrate the production of a " silicon nanowire on graphite " anode called SiNANOde into new high energy density cells and batteries manufactured in Joplin, Missouri.